Monday, June 21, 2010

Summer Solstic Greetings from BulimiaHope !

Hello Bulimia Beaters !

Today marks the Summer solstic, which simply indicates the earth in it's closest axis to the Sun ; giving us the mid point of the year..where the sun is at it's stongest depending on which hemisphere you are.

What's the relevance to you, if you are trying to recovering from Bulimia ?

Symbolically, this could be the mid point of your summer ..or even mid point of recovery ..a time where your bulimia anxieties around your body image, size, shape, chaotic bingeing and purging could be at their all time high ..desparately seeking to put an end to this madness and recover from bulimia.

Perhaps you are feeling that you cannot get to a point in your life, any lower than this ..whilst others around you are very much enjoying life and all it's blessings ?

You may be shaped by the external pressure to be seen in slim line or see-through minimal clothings, causing additional emotional havoc when trying to fit in like others around you?

Whatever your case may be, we here at BulimiaHope would like to help YOU enjoy the best of the season, and the glorious hights of what your summer has to offer you!

Over the next 7 days, we'd like to hear from you..with your burning questions, struggles and area where you feel defeated by your bulimia.

Post your questions /dilemmas here, or directly to me at : and we shall cover the solutions, tips, strategies exclusively for you over the coming weeks!

You could be re-inforcing your bulimic behaviours each day don't waste time thinking about your bulimia recovery - just get typing and get some true HOPE for a successful summer !

Here's looking forward to your bulimia recovery questions!

with warm wishes


Vathani Navasothy
Co-founder of / Bulimia Counsellor

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